The Realabilities Comic Book Series Curriculum


Silton, N.R., Gomez, C., Hout, R. & Arucevic, S. (2013). Realabilities.


  • Silton, N.R., Riley, P., & Anzovino, A. (2020). Kindness Makes a Difference: Assessing the Efficacy of Addy & Uno, an Off-Broadway Musical, and The Realabilities Educational Comic Book Series Curriculum in Enhancing Children's Kindness, Empathy, and Interest in Their Peers With Disabilities and Mental Health Disorders. In Silton (ed.), Exploring Best Child Development Practices in Contemporary Society. IGI Global.

  • Silton, N.R. & Anzovino, A. (2020). Key Ingredients for Fostering Emotional Intelligence in Children. In Silton (ed.), Exploring Best Child Development Practices in Contemporary Society. IGI Global.

  • Silton, N.R. & Riley, P. (2018). What if Goodness Ruled the World? Utilizing A Comic Book Series and Puppet Musical to Inspire Empathy and to Promote a Disabilities Awareness and Stop Bullying Platform in and out of the Schools. In Silton (ed.), Scientific Concepts behind Happiness, Kindness, and Empathy in Contemporary Society. IGI Global.

  • Silton, N.R., Fontanilla, E., Femia, M., & Rouse, K. (2018). Employing Disability Simulations and Preliminary Virtual Reality Technology to Foster Cognitive and Affective Empathy towards Individuals with Disabilities. In Silton (ed.), Scientific Concepts behind Happiness, Kindness, and Empathy in Contemporary Society. IGI Global.

  • Silton, N.R. & Ferris, A. (2017). I want to know what love is: The ingredients of liking, attraction, dating and successful marital relationships. In Silton (ed.) Family Dynamics and Romantic Relationships in a Changing Society, IGI Global Publishing.

  • Marmo, J. & Silton, N. (2017). The coming out experience of people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender. In Silton (ed.) Family Dynamics and Romantic Relationships in a Changing Society, IGI Global Publishing, Expected June 2017.

  • Silton, N.R. (2016). Realabilities: Opening new creative vistas to stimulate changes in typical students’ attitudes and behavioral intentions towards peers with disabilities. In Exploring the Benefits of Creativity in Education, Media and the Arts, IGI Global Publishing.

  • Silton, N.R., Arucevic, S., Ruchlin, R. & Norkus, V. (2014). Realabilities: The Development of a Research-Based Children’s Television Program to Address Disability Awareness and a Stop-Bullying Platform in the Schools. In Innovative Technologies to Benefit Children with Autism, IGI Global Publishing.

  • Silton, N.R. & Higgins D’Alessandro, A. (2010). Benefits of video and eye-toy gaming for children with autism. In P. Zemliansky & D. Wilcox (Eds.) Design and Implementation of Educational Games: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives. Idea Group Inc.: Hershey, Pennsylvania.


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

  • Silton, N.R. (2016). Enhancing behavioral intentions and cognitive attitudes of typical children towards children with disabilities. Medical Research Archives.

  • Silton, N.R. (2016). Informing our interventions with the wisdom of the sages: Biblical and rabbinic inspiration for enhancing sensitivity towards individuals with disabilities. In M. Ben-Avie, Y. Ives, & Lowenthal, C. (Eds.). Applied Jewish Values/Social Science and Psychology.

  • Galek, K., Flannelly, K.J., Ellison, C.G., Silton, N.R., & Jankowski, K.B. (2015). Religion, meaning and purpose in life and mental health. Psychology of Religion and Health, 7(1), 1-12.

  • Silton, N.R. (2014). Biblical and rabbinic inspiration for fostering sensitivity toward individuals with disability. Looking Forward: The Aspen Center for Social Values, 1 (1), 29-32.

  • Silton, N.R., Lutjen, L.J., & Flannelly, K.J. (2013). It pays to forgive: Aging, forgiveness, hostility and subjective health, Journal of Adult Development, 20(4), 222-231.

  • Silton, N.R., Flannelly, K.J., Galek, K., & Ellison, C.G. (2014). Beliefs about God and mental health among American adults. Journal of Religion and Health, 53 (3), 1285-1296.

  • Silton, N.R. & Fogel, J. (2012). Enhancing positive behavioral intentions of typical children towards children with autism. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 12 (2), 139-158.

  • Silton, N.R., Flannelly, K.J., Galek, K. & Fleenor, D. (2012). Pray tell: The who, what, where, and how of prayer. Journal of Pastoral Psychology, DOI 10.1007/s11089-012-0481-9.

  • Flannelly, K.J., Ellison, C.G., Galek, K., & Silton, N.R. (2012). Belief in life-after-death, beliefs about the world, and psychiatric symptoms. Journal of Religion and Health, 51 (3), 651-662.

  • Flannelly, K.J., Emanuel, L.L., Handzo, G.F., Galek, K., Silton, N.R., & Carlson, M. (2012). A national study of chaplaincy services and end-of-life outcomes. BioMed Central Palliative Care, 11 (10), 1-6.

  • Silton, N.R., Flannelly, K.J., Milstein, G., Vaaler, M.L. (2011). Stigma in America: Has anything changed? Perceptions of Mental Illness and Dangerousness on the Desire for Social Distance: 1996 and 2006. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 199(6), 361-366.

  • Silton, N.R., Flannelly, K.J., & Flannelly, L.T. (2011).Towards a theory of holistic needs and the brain. Journal of Holistic Nursing Practice, 25 (5), 258-265.

  • Silton, N.R., Flannelly, K., Jacobs, M., Ellison, C., & Silton, F. (2011). The association between religious beliefs and practices and end-of-life fears and concerns. Review of Religious Research, 53, 357-370.

  • Lutjen, L.J., Silton, N.R., & Flannelly, K.J. (2011). Religion, forgiveness, hostility and health: A structural equation analysis. Journal of Religion and Health, 51(2), 468-478.

  • Silton, N. R., & Fogel, J. (2010). Religiosity, empathy, and psychopathology among young adult children of rabbis. Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 32 (1), 1-15.

  • Silton, N. R., Flannelly, K., Asekoff, C., Klein, D., Taylor, B. & Silton, P. (2010). Shema, Vidui, Yivarechecha: What to say and how to pray with Jewish patients in Chaplaincy. Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy, 16, 149-160.

  • Jankowski, K., Silton, N. R., Galek, K. & Montonye, M. (2010). Complementary alternative medicine practices used by religious professionals. Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy, 16, 172-182.

  • Flannelly, K.J., Galek, K., Kytle, J. & Silton, N. R. (2010). Religion in America – 1972-2006: Religious affiliation, attendance, and strength of faith, Psychological Reports, 106 (3), 875-890.

  • Galek, K., Silton, N. R., Vanderwerker, L.C., Handzo, G., Porter, M., Montonye, M.G., & Fleenor, D. (2010). To pray or not to pray: considering gender and religious concordance in praying with the ill. Journal of Healthcare Chaplaincy, 16 (1), 42-52.

  • Burton, L., Pfaff, D, Bolt, N., Hadjikyriacou, D., Silton, N. R., Kilgallen, C., Cofer, J., & Allimant, J. (2010). Effects of gender and personality on the Conners Continuous Performance Test. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology,32 (1), 66-70.

  • Burton, L., Pfaff, D, Bolt, N., Hadjikyriacou, D., Silton, N. R., Kilgallen, C., Cofer, J., & Allimant, J. (2010). Relationships of Smiling and Flirtation to Aggression and a Prenatal Androgen Index. Evolutionary Psychology, 9 (1), 28-37.

  • Zukauskas, P., Silton, N. R., & Baptista Assumpção, F. (2009). Temporality and Asperger Syndrome. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 40 (1), 85-106.

Encyclopedia Entries


  • Silton, N.R. & Riley, P. (2019). Liking. In Macmillan Encyclopedia of Families, Marriages, and Intimate Relationships (pp. 530-534). Macmillan Reference USA.

  • Silton, N.R. & Chera, D. (2017). Fearlessness. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T.K. Shackelford (eds.)’s Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer International Publishing, 1-3.

  • Silton, N.R. & Ferris, A. (2017). Hostility. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T.K. Shackelford (eds.)’s Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer International Publishing.

  • Ferris, A. & Silton, N.R. (2017). Separation Insecurity. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T.K. Shackelford (eds.)’s Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer International Publishing.

  • Flannelly, K., Silton, N.R., Galek, K. (2014). Religious Beliefs and Psychiatric Symptoms. In: Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp 5494-5498.

  • Silton, N.R. (2011). John Bowlby. Encyclopedia of the History of Psychological.Theories. Springer: New York, NY.

  • Silton, N.R. & Immordino, G. (2011). Hans Eysenck. Encyclopedia of the History of Psychological Theories. Springer: New York, NY.

  • Silton, N.R. & Brandwein, A. (2011). Lawrence Kohlberg. Encyclopedia of the History of Psychological Theories. Springer: New York, NY.

  • Silton, N.R. & Brandwein, A. (2011). Noam Chomsky. Encyclopedia of the History of Psychological Theories. Springer: New York, NY.

  • Swett, B. & Silton, N.R. (2011). Jerome Kagan. Encyclopedia of the History of Psychological Theories. Springer: New York, NY.

  • Silton, N.R. & Brandwein, A. (2010). Amygdala. Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development. Springer Science and Business Inc.: New York, NY.

  • Silton, N.R. (2010). Analytic intelligence. Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development. Springer Science and Business Inc.: New York, NY.

  • Silton, N.R. (2010). Dyscalculia. Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development. Springer Science and Business Inc.: New York, NY.